Terms & Conditions
All orders for goods from Grüezi Coffee GmbH, 6340 Baar are subject to these general terms and conditions (GTC), which are legally binding. Unless expressly agreed in writing between Grüezi Coffee GmbH and the purchaser, different terms and conditions are not valid. Any important agreements or declarations between the parties must be in writing to be valid. The version of the GTC available on the website at the time of the order applies to every order, and the GTC may be subject to change at any time.
Orders placed with Grüezi Coffee GmbH constitute a contract under Swiss law, with the applicable law and place of jurisdiction being in Baar. By placing an order, customers acknowledge and accept this.
In addition to the product price, the customer will be charged shipping costs based on the order.
Grüezi Coffee GmbH only accepts the means of payment explicitly stated in the online shop, which currently includes credit cards. Payment must be made in Swiss francs. Customers can pay for their ordered goods using a credit card or Klarna (subject to Klarna's terms and conditions).
Grüezi Coffee GmbH will arrange for delivery of the ordered goods once payment has been received, using the shipping method deemed suitable by Grüezi Coffee GmbH. Delivery times may vary depending on operational and product-specific circumstances, and there is no right to immediate delivery. Shipping costs are displayed during the ordering and calculated based on the delivery address provided. For further information on shipping costs, please refer to the relevant section on the Grüezi Coffee GmbH website.
The delivery period starts from the moment Grüezi Coffee GmbH accepts the order. While immediate delivery is possible whenever feasible, delivery times may be affected by a range of factors, including changes to the order information, and force majeure events, such as pandemics, wars, accidents, natural disasters, and disruptions in the supply chain. Grüezi Coffee GmbH will not be held liable for any damages or claims resulting from late deliveries.
There is no right to cancel an order and have the sales price refunded. If products arrived damaged please contact.